
NumberTitlePublishedsort ascending
UCSC-SOE-08-10Assembling the Building Blocks of Giant Planets around Intermediate Mass Stars06/10/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-09Robust Content-Driven Reputation05/23/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-06Robust Content-Driven Reputation05/13/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-07Assigning Trust to Wikipedia Content05/13/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-08Measuring Contributions to the Wikipedia05/13/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-05Symbolic Magnifying Lens Abstraction in Markov Decision Processes05/05/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-03The Complexity of Coverage04/22/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-04Strategy Improvement for Concurrent Safety Games04/22/2008
UCSC-CRL-08-02Qualitative Concurrent Parity Games04/04/2008
UCSC-SOE-08-26Transient Rendering02/28/2008
AMS2008-7Measuring Expectations in Options Markets: An Application to the S&P500 Index01/07/2008
AMS2008-6A Bayesian Modeling Approach for Determining Productivity Regimes and their Characteristics01/06/2008
AMS2008-5Advances in the Design of Gaussian Processes as Surrogate Models for Computer Experiments01/05/2008
AMS2008-4Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling for Comparison of Single-Neuron Firing Intensities01/04/2008
AMS2008-3Fast Bayesian Inference for Computer Simulation Inverse Problems01/03/2008
AMS2008-2Bayesian Guided Pattern Search for Robust Local Optimization01/02/2008
AMS2008-1A Spatio-Temporal Model for Mean, Anomaly and Trend Fields of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature01/01/2008
UCSC-CRL-08-01On Secure Distributed Implementations of Dynamic Access Control01/01/2008
AMS2007-10Asymptotic optimality of multicenter Voronoi configurations for random field estimation12/31/2007
AMS2007-11On the penetration of meridional circulation below the solar convection zone12/31/2007
AMS2007-12Joint Projections of Temperature and Precipitation Change from Multiple Climate Models: A Hierarchical Bayes Approach12/31/2007
AMS2007-13Safe graph rearrangements for distributed connectivity of robotic networks12/31/2007
AMS2007-14Constraints on angular momentum transport in the Sun from simulations of the tachocline12/31/2007
AMS2007-15A practical model of convective dynamics for stellar evolution calculations12/31/2007
AMS2007-16Solar Rotation12/31/2007
AMS2007-17A Friendly and Free Parallel Block-Tridiagonal Solver: User Manual12/31/2007
AMS2007-18Multivariate Estimation of the Properties of an Oil Reservoir12/31/2007
AMS2007-19Model-based approaches to nonparametric Bayesian quantile regression12/31/2007
AMS2007-2Bayesian Wavelet Regression for Spatial Estimation12/31/2007
AMS2007-20Inferring Climate System Properties Using a Computer Model12/31/2007
AMS2007-21A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Inference for Quantile Regression12/31/2007
AMS2007-4Growth and migration of solids in evolving protostellar disks I: Methods and Analytical tests.12/31/2007
AMS2007-5Parametric and Nonparametric Bayesian Methods to Model Health Insurance Claims Costs12/31/2007
AMS2007-6Statistical Calibration of Climate System Properties12/31/2007
AMS2007-8Chocolate Chip Cookies as a Teaching Aid12/31/2007
AMS2007-23Bayesian Guidance for Robust Pattern Search Optimization12/31/2007
AMS2007-3EEG-Based Estimation of Mental Fatigue: Convergent Evidence for a Three-State Model12/31/2007
AMS2007-7A Statistical Framework for the Sensitivity Analysis of Radiative Transfer Models12/31/2007
AMS2007-9Bayesian model specification12/31/2007
UCSC-CRL-07-09Assigning Trust to Wikipedia Content11/01/2007
UCSC-CRL-07-04Call Center Routing Strategies in the Presence of Servers with Heterogeneous Performance Attributes09/27/2007
UCSC-SOE-08-21Hardware Accelerated HyperLIC06/30/2007
UCSC-SOE-07-01RADOS: A Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store06/01/2007
UCSC-CRL-07-01An efficient FPGA priority queue implementation with application to the routing problem05/09/2007
AMS2007-1Discontinuous Dynamical Systems - a tutorial on notions of solutions, nonsmooth analysis, and stability01/11/2007
UCSC-CRL-07-03Optimizing Capacity in Interconnection Networks with Finite Buffers01/01/2007
UCSC-CRL-07-10Evaluating Rank Joins with Optimal Cost01/01/2007
AMS2006-1A numerical algorithm for investigating the role of the motor-cargo linkage in molecular motor-driven transport.12/31/2006
AMS2006-10Spatially Varying Temperature Trends in a Central California Estuary12/31/2006
AMS2006-11The Effect of Internal Dissipation and Surface Irradiation on the Structure of Disks and the Location of the Snow Line around Sun-like Stars12/31/2006

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