UCSC-SOE-07-01: RADOS: A Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store

Sage A. Weil, Carlos Maltzahn, Scott A. Brandt
06/01/2007 09:00 AM
Computer Science
Object-based storage has emerged as a way to improve the scalability of distributed storage systems. However, existing systems built with object-based storage devices (OSDs) have failed to fully exploit their intelligence (CPU and memory) and, as a result, will have difficulty scaling to petabytes and exabytes. We have developed RADOS, a Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store designed to grow to tens or hundreds of thousands of OSDs with excellent performance and reliability. RADOS relies on a scalable data distribution function to map objects to devices, providing clients with the illusion of a single logical store without the conventional need for an object directory. A special-purpose object file system provides low-level storage for individual OSDs with excellent reliability and performance.

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