AMS2007-3: EEG-Based Estimation of Mental Fatigue: Convergent Evidence for a Three-State Model

Leonard J. Trejo, Kevin Knuth, Raquel Prado, Roman Rosipal, Karla Kubitz, Rebekah Kochavi, Bryan Matthews and Yuzheng Zhang
12/31/2007 09:00 AM
Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Two new computational models show that the EEG distinguishes three distinct mental states ranging from alert to fatigued. State 1 indicates heightened alertness and is frequently present during the first few minutes of time on task. State 2 indicates normal alertness, often following and lasting longer than State 1. State 3 indicates fatigue, usually following State 2, but sometimes alternating with State 1 and State 2. Thirty-channel EEGs were recorded from 16 subjects who performed up to 180 min of nonstop computer-based mental arithmetic. Alert or fatigued states were independently confirmed with measures of subjects’ performance and pre- or post-task mood. We found convergent evidence for a three-state model of fatigue using Bayesian analysis of two different types of EEG features, both computed for single 13-s EEG epochs: 1) kernel partial least squares scores representing composite multichannel power spectra; 2) amplitude and frequency parameters of multiple single-channel autoregressive models.

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