
NumberTitlePublishedsort ascending
UCSC-SOE-24-02Sparse Bayesian Group Factor Model for Feature Interactions in Multiple Count Tables Data05/14/2024
UCSC-SOE-24-01A New Family of Error Distributions for Bayesian Quantile Regression04/07/2024
UCSC-SOE-23-13A Heterogeneous Spatial Model for Soil Carbon Mapping of the Contiguous United States Using VNIR Spectra11/27/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-12Anomaly Detection in Extremes10/24/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-11Understanding an Acquisition Function Family for Bayesian Optimization10/16/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-10EcoScape: A Model for Species-Specific Functional Habitat Connectivity10/01/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-09A spectral theorem on the cluster structure of real-world graphs05/26/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-08Creativity and Consistency in Musical Perception of Tangible Objects05/25/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-07Mixture Modeling for Temporal Point Processes with Memory05/16/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-06Designing a mixed-initiative multi-user VR interface for wildfire mitigation03/29/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-05Flexible Bayesian Modeling for Longitudinal Binary and Ordinal Responses03/26/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-04Benchmarking Image Generators on Open-Vocabulary Scene Graphs03/24/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-03Benchmarking Image Generators on Open-Vocabulary Scene Graphs03/24/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-02Scalable Model Selection with Mixtures of g-Priors in Large Data Settings03/06/2023
UCSC-SOE-23-01Multivariate Nearest-Neighbors Gaussian Processes with Random Covariance Matrices01/19/2023
UCSC-SOE-22-12A Covariance Based Clustering for Tensor Objects08/24/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-11Bayesian Nonparametric Erlang Mixture Modeling for Survival Analysis07/26/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-10Bayesian Data Sketching for Spatial Regression Models05/31/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-09A Bayesian Covariance Based Clustering for High Dimensional Tensors05/31/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-08Bayesian Multi-object Data Integration in the Study of Primary Progressive Aphasia05/31/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-07A Bayesian Covariance Based Clustering for High Dimensional Tensors05/31/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-06Distributed Bayesian Inference in Massive Spatial Data05/28/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-05Bayesian Covariate-Dependent Clustering of Undirected Networks with Brain-Imaging Data05/28/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-04Sketching in High Dimensional Regression With Big Data Using Gaussian Scale Mixture Priors05/28/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-03Bayesian Data Sketching for Spatial Regression Models05/28/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-02Bayesian non-parametric inference for multivariate peaks over threshold models01/14/2022
UCSC-SOE-22-01Structured mixture of continuation-ratio logits models for ordinal regression01/10/2022
UCSC-SOE-21-12Self-Supervision for Scene Graph Embeddings11/18/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-11Bayesian Geostatistical Modeling for Discrete-Valued Processes10/20/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-10exdqlm: An R Package for Estimation and Analysis of Flexible Dynamic Quantile Linear Models08/12/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-09Labelled Control Improvisation06/18/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-08Bayesian Quantile Mixture Regression06/12/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-07Nearest-Neighbor Geostatistical Models for Non-Gaussian Data06/09/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-06Comparing Emulation Methods for a High-resolution Storm Surge Model06/01/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-05Bayesian Tensor Response Regression With an Application to Brain Activation Studies05/30/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-04Bayesian Dynamic Feature Partitioning for High-Dimensional Regression with Big Data05/28/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-03Bayesian Supervised Clustering of Undirected Networks with Cluster Speci fic Inference on Signi ficant Nodes and Edges05/12/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-02Convergence Rate for Predictive Densities of Bayes Generalized Linear Models with a Scalar Response and Symm. Tensor Predictor05/12/2021
UCSC-SOE-21-01Distributed Bayesian Kriging05/12/2021
UCSC-SOE-20-14Fast inference for time-varying quantiles via flexible dynamic models with application to the characterization of atmospheric12/14/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-13High Dimensional Bayesian Regularization in Regressions Involving Symmetric Tensors10/26/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-12Convergence Rate for Predictive Densities of Bayesian Generalized Models with a Scalar Response and Symmetric Tensor Predictor10/26/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-11Bayesian Supervised Clustering of Undirected Networks for Understanding Impacts of the Brain Network on Human Creativity10/26/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-10On Construction and Estimation of Stationary Mixture Transition Distribution Models10/23/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-09Bayesian Methods for Tensor Regressions09/14/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-08Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Inference for Hawkes Processes09/01/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-07Erlang mixture modeling for Poisson process intensities09/01/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-06Joint Bayesian Estimation of Voxel Activation and Interregional Connectivity in FMRI Experiments06/26/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-05Privacy Preserving Efficient Computation in Bayesian High Dimensional Regression With Big Data06/22/2020
UCSC-SOE-20-04Bayesian Tensor Response Regression With An Application to Brain Activation Studies06/21/2020

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