
NumberTitlePublishedsort ascending
UCSC-SOE-11-15Lessons from COSMOS: Four Years of Iteration on a Game Design Class06/07/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-14Comparing and Blending Regional Climate Model Predictions for the American Southwest05/09/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-13An Inclusive Taxonomy of Player Modeling05/03/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-12QMDS: A File System Metadata Management Service Supporting a Graph Data Model-based Query Language04/28/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-11Nonparametric Reconstruction of the Dark Energy Equation of State from Diverse Data Sets04/12/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-10Probable Values of Stock-Recruitment Steepness for North Pacific Albacore Tuna03/28/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-09SNS: A Simple Model for Understanding Optimal Hard Real-Time Multiprocessor Scheduling03/18/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-08RAD-FETCH: Modeling Prefetching for Hard Real-Time Tasks02/28/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-07SimiHash: Hash-based Similarity Detection02/20/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-06Heuristic Evaluation of Programming Language Features02/10/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-05Content promotion by utility measure optimization02/04/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-04SciHadoop: Array-based Query Processing in Hadoop01/31/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-03Joint Projections of North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature from Different Global Climate Models01/26/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-02Gaussian Process Modeling of Derivative Curves01/12/2011
UCSC-SOE-11-01Environmental forcing on northeast Atlantic bluefin tuna abundance01/03/2011
UCSC-SOE-10-36Human-Centered Design Method for Serious Games: A Bridge Across Disciplines12/10/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-35The Neutron Star Mass Distribution12/01/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-34How We Prepare: Childbirth preparation methods and their effects on satisfaction and labor outcome11/18/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-33Accounting for Variation in Mortality and Allee Effects When Computing Steepness for Strategic Fisheries Management11/15/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-32Virtual Values for Language Extension11/08/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-31Individual and Population Level Variation in Growth Parameters for Steelhead Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in Central California11/07/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-30A state dependent life-history model of provisioning in penguins11/01/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-29System Design and Evaluation of The Prepared10/20/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-27On-Line Learning for the Infinite Hidden Markov Model09/04/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-28Modeling the dynamics of social networks using Bayesian hierarchical blockmodels09/04/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-26Conditionally Linear Models for Non-Homogeneous Spatial Random Fields08/19/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-24Watch Your Head, Mind Your Step: Mobility-Related Accidents Experienced by People with Visual Impairment07/29/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-25Virtual Values for Language Extension07/29/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-23Cases for the Nugget in Modeling Computer Experiments07/26/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-22Probabilistic Latent Relational Model for Integrating Heterogeneous Information for Recommendation07/16/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-21Bayesian inference for general Gaussian graphical models with application to multivariate lattice data06/06/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-20A New Bayesian Time-Predictable Modeling of Eruption Occurrences and Forecasting: Application to Mt Etna volcano and Kilauea volcano05/18/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-19A Friendly and Free Parallel 2-point ODE solver: User Manual05/12/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-17Gyroscopic pumping of large-scale flows in stellar interiors, and application to Lithium Dip stars05/10/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-18A model of the entropy flux and Reynolds stress in turbulent convection05/10/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-16Nonparametric mixture modeling for developmental toxicology data with pre-implantation exposure04/29/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-15Bayesian Inference for Sensitivity Analysis of Computer Simulators, with an Application to Radiative Transfer Models04/23/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-14Optimization Under Unknown Constraints04/22/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-13An Application of Semiparametric Bayesian Isotonic Regression to the Study of Radiation Effects in Spaceborne Microelectronics04/20/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-12Intrusion Detection Systems: A Feature and Capability Analysis04/19/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-11A Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling Framework for Developmental Toxicity Studies04/06/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-10Optimization Subject to Hidden Constraints via Statistical Emulation04/04/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-09Modeling and Anomaly Detection for Event Occurrences Following an Inhomogeneous Spatio-Temporal Poisson Process02/19/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-08Learning Rotations Online02/12/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-07Design and Implementation of a Metadata-Rich File System02/03/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-04Functional Clustering in Nested Designs01/25/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-05Sparse covariance estimation in heterogeneous samples01/25/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-06Characterizing molecular adaptation: a hierarchical approach to assess the selective influence of amino acid properties01/25/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-03Spatially Varying Autoregressive Processes01/13/2010
UCSC-SOE-10-02A Framework to Support Research on Portable High Performance Parallelism01/12/2010

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