03/01/1997 09:00 AM
Computer Engineering
The widening gap between microprocessor speeds and DRAM has spawned a number of approaches for tolerating the resulting latency of memory accesses. Four common approaches are software controlled prefetching, multi-threading, non-blocking loads, and relaxed consistency models. Most of these methods have been evaluated only on array based codes, although prefetching has also shown to be effective for instruction cache prefetching in operating system codes that have been hand- optimized for cache performance. Many of these methods suffer from considerable runtime overhead, scalability issues, or only work well for a small problem domain. This thesis proposes to show that a method of code transformation to support a combination of prefetching and coarse-grain multithreading can significantly reduce the effects of memory latency with less runtime overhead than currently proposed forms of prefetching, yet that performs well for both array-based codes as well as a broad class of pointer-based data structures found in commercial applications.


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