09/01/1995 09:00 AM
Computer Engineering
Simulation of ATM switches and networks is a computationally demanding problem as compared to simulation of conventional packet-based networks, owing to the large number of cell events that need to be simulated in the former. To address this problem, we are developing a flexible hardware testbed for simulation of ATM- based networks. The testbed, called FAST (FPGA-based ATM simulation testbed), uses high-density field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to allow implementation of the key simulation components such as traffic generators, switching fabric, buffer management, traffic scheduling, congestion control mechanisms, and statistics recording in hardware. In the first version of the testbed (FAST-1), each board consists of 13 Altera FLEX devices (including 4 multichip modules), providing a total of 336,000 usable gates. Each board can be used to simulate an ATM switch. Multiple boards may be interconnected to simulate large ATM networks. Software tools haven been developed for specifying the components of the underlying simulation model, such as the switch structure, traffic model, traffic scheduling algorithm, and congestion control mechanisms; synthesizing the specifications into the individual FPGAs; controlling and monitoring the simulation; and collecting and reporting statistics.