04/01/2000 09:00 AM
Electrical Engineering
On-chip inductance extraction is difficult due to the global effect of inductance. The current return path is usually unknown prior to extraction. Recently a new circuit element, K, has been introduced[1]. K captures global effect of inductance, but has capacitance like local properties. In this paper, we present the physical interpretation of K. Based on the physical interpretation, we explain why the faraway mutal K can be ignored (locality) and prove that after ignoring faraway mutal K, the resultant K matrix is positive definite (stability). Together with a RKC equivalent circuit model, the locality and stability enables us to simulate RKC circuit directly and efficiently for real circuits. A new circuit simulation tool, KSPICE, has been developed by incorporated the new circuit element K into Berkeley SPICE. The RKC simulation matches better with the full L matrix simulation with significant less computing time and memory uasge, compared to other proposed methods, such as truncation only method and shift-truncate method [2,3].